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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Menghindari Kecelakaan Pada Rumah Tingkat

Oleh: Arda Dinata

Rumah bertingkat saat ini kelihatannya telah menjadi tren di daerah perkotaan. Agar rumah bertingkat terbebas dari timbulnya kecelakaan, berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang mesti diperhatikan, diantaranya:

1. Bahan bangunan yang digunakan pada lantai pertama (lantai bawah) harus kuat dan disesuaikan dengan banyaknya tingkat

2. Tangga hendaknya dibuat tidak tegak lurus. Lebar anak tangga minimal 25 cm, tinggi minimal 17,5 cm.

3. Keberadaan pintu diujung tangga harus memakai kaca untuk mengetahui bahwa di depan ada tangga turun.

4. Pada tangga, setiap kenaikan 2,5 meter harus diberi tempat istirahat (baca: boordesi = lantai dasar).

5. Untuk rumah yang memiliki lebih dari tiga tingkat, maka harus dilengkapi dengan lift maupun pintu darurat. Dan untuk rumah flat ini panjangnya tidak melebihi 40 meter demi keamanan bangunan.***

Arda Dinata adalah pendiri Majelis Inspirasi Alquran dan Realitas Alam (MIQRA) Indonesia,

Hotel, Rumah, Internet dan Bisnis

KOMPAS tekno: Mengendalikan Bisnis dari Rumah
Sampai kini, kendala bisnis yang dia geluti adalah susahnya menembus penerbit ... Jika di rumah berlangganan internet di atas Rp 500.000 per bulan, - 41k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

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Pelatihan Untuk Sukses Bisnis Internet Dari Rumah. Raih penghasilan dari depan komputer ... Tempat : Hotel Maharaja Jakarta,. Investasi : Rp.4.000.000,- - 22k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

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Dijual Hotel,Kelas Melati II, 3 lantai, 44 kamar, 2 ruang pertemuan, ... Dijual cepat-murah rumah di kota wisata Cluster Paris tipe 76/144, 2 lt, - 56k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

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Talk Show Bisnis dari Rumah via Internet , Kamis tanggal 15 Mei 2008 pkl ... di Hotel Perdana Wisata Jl Jend Sudirman kav 66-68 Ruangan Flamboyan 1 lt 4 - 45k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenis

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Food Sources

Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally

Copyright © 2004 Priya Shah

Glutathione, the body's master antioxidant and detoxifier, is one of the 14 "Superfoods" listed in SuperFoods Rx : Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, co-authored by Dr Steven Pratt.

Glutathione levels cannot be increased to a clinically beneficial extent by orally ingesting a single dose of glutathione. (1) This is because glutathione is manufactured inside the cell, from its precursor amino acids, glycine, glutamate and cystine.

Hence food sources or supplements that increase glutathione must either provide the precursors of glutathione, or enhance its production by some other means.

The manufacture of glutathione in cells is limited by the levels of its sulphur-containing precursor amino acid, cysteine.

Cysteine - as a free amino acid - is potentially toxic and is spontaneously catabolized or destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma. However, when it is present as a cysteine-cysteine dipeptide, called cystine, it is more stable than cysteine.

Consuming foods rich in sulphur-containing amino acids can help boost glutathione levels. Here are some food sources and dietary supplements that help boost glutathione levels naturally.

1. N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

It is derived from the amino acid L-Cysteine, and acts as a precursor of glutathione. NAC is quickly metabolized into glutathione once it enters the body. It has been proven in numerous scientific studies and clinical trials, to boost intracellular production of glutathione, and is approved by the FDA for treatment of accetaminophen overdose. Because of glutathione's mucolytic action, NAC (brand name Mucomyst) is commonly used in the treatment of lung diseases like cystic fibrosis, bronchitis and asthma.

2. Milk Thistle, Silymarin

Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant and supports the liver by preventing the depletion of glutathione. Silymarin is the active compound of milk thistle. It is a natural liver detoxifier and protects the liver from many industrial toxins such as carbon tetrachloride, and more common agents like alcohol.

3. Alpha Lipoic Acid

Made naturally in body cells as a by-product of energy release, ALA increases the levels of intra-cellular glutathione, and is a natural antioxidant with free radical scavenging abilities. It has the ability to regenerate oxidized antioxidants like Vitamin C and E and helps to make them more potent. ALA is also known for its ability to enhance glucose uptake and may help prevent the cellular damage accompanying the complications of diabetes. It also has a protective effect in the brain.

4. Natural Foods That Boost Glutathione Levels

Asparagus is a leading source of glutathione. Foods like broccoli (2), avocado and spinach are also known to boost glutathione levels. Raw eggs, garlic and fresh unprocessed meats contain high levels of sulphur-containing amino acids and help to maintain optimal glutathione levels.

5. Undenatured Whey Protein Isolate

Whey protein contains proteins like alpha-lactalbumin which is is rich in sulphur-containing amino acids. Heating or pasteurization destroys the delicate disulphide bonds that give these proteins their bioactivity. Undenatured whey protein is a non-heated product that preserves bioactive amino acids like cystine. It has been shown in numerous scientific studies and clinical trials to optimize glutathione levels.

6. Curcumin (Turmeric)

Treatment of brain cells called astrocytes, with the Indian curry spice, curcumin (turmeric) has been found to increase expression of the glutathione S-transferase and protect neurons exposed to oxidant stress. (3)

7. Balloon Flower Root

Changkil saponins (CKS) isolated from the roots of the Chinese herbal medicine, Platycodon grandiflorum A. DC (Campanulaceae), commonly called Balloon Flower Root or Jie Geng, have been found to increase intracellular glutathione (GSH) content and significantly reduce oxidative injury to liver cells, minimise cell death and lipid peroxidation. (4)

8. Selenium

Selenium is a co-factor for the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. Selenium supplements have become popular because some studies suggest they may play a role in decreasing the risk of certain cancers, and in how the immune system and the thyroid gland function. However, too much selenium can cause some toxic effects including gastrointestinal upset, brittle nails, hair loss and mild nerve damage.

Disclaimer: The information here is not provided by medical professionals and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Nutritional supplements, while usually benign, can produce adverse reactions in some people. As with prescribed drugs, long-term effects from supplements are often unknown. Pregnant women and children should not take supplements except after consultation with their healthcare provider. Never exceed the recommended dosage on the container. If you observe adverse effects stop taking the supplement immediately and contact your healthcare provider.

1. The systemic availability of oral glutathioneWitschi A, Reddy S, Stofer B, Lauterburg BH. [Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1992;43(6):667-9.]

2. Dietary approach to attenuate oxidative stress, hypertension, and inflammation in the cardiovascular systemWu L, Ashraf MH, Facci M, Wang R, Paterson PG, Ferrie A, Juurlink BH. [Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 May 4;101(18):7094-9. Epub 2004 Apr 21.]

3. Can Curry Protect Against Alzheimer's?American Physiological Society (APS) Press release; 16-Apr-20044. Protective effect of saponins derived from roots of Platycodon grandiflorum on tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced oxidative hepatotoxicityLee KJ, Choi CY, Chung YC, Kim YS, Ryu SY, Roh SH, Jeong HG. [Toxicol Lett. 2004 Mar 7;147(3):271-82.]

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chefs Choose Gas Grills

How many of you remember dad trying to get the charcoal started? The mess, time and burgers tasting of lighter fluid are some reasons why outdoor chefs are choosing gas grills for their recipes for BBQs over a charcoal barbecue. A gas grill offers many advantages for BBQ over charcoal. An outdoor chef doesn't want to wait for the coals to heat up when a turn of the knob quickly gets the barbecues started. A gas grill offers the ease of a push button start, temperature control and no mess.Before you buy, consider these points. Is the size of the gas grill important to you, or do you require portability? Would you like to cook an entire meal, or just use it for traditional BBQ grill recipes? This purchase will be an investment so check for sturdiness. If it wiggles, it may fall apart on you at home. Look for one that has high grade stainless steel and baked on enamel as these will last the longest. The better grills also have the grates that are stainless steel because grates made of other materials will rust. Consider a scale for the tank so you won't run out of propane right in the middle of a party. You could also purchase a grill that can be hooked directly into your home's gas line. If cost is a big deciding factor for you, you will probably want to purchase a charcoal grill. Many can be found in all ranges, even as small as the one person hibachi grill. If it's a complete outdoor kitchen you really want, you can find built in grills that will be perfect for your design. You can create a terrific entertaining outdoor room by adding a few appliances to your backyard. An outdoor fireplace or built in gas grill can become a focal point of your backyard. Your guests will love sitting around talking to the cook, watching you develop your scrumptious creations. You can find everything from "soup to nuts" or should I say BBQ ribs to barbecued chicken", in the stores or online. Grilling is a perfect opportunity to experiment with new recipes for your family and friends. Why do you think there are so many barbecue cookoffs? Everyone thinks they have the best barbecue sauce so have fun developing your own.Don't wait for warm weather. People are using their gas grill all year even if they live in the North woods. The speed of cooking allows you to enjoy your favorite BBQs even when it's cold outside. Flavor is a great debate for people as some think you get only the best flavor from a charcoal grill. You can always use a selection of woods for that wonderful smoky flavor. Barbecues with apple wood are somewhat traditional, so be daring. Use some of the more exotic woods available such as guava, almond and apricot to spice up your standard grill recipes. Outdoor cooking is quickly becoming a first choice for any home and garden party.By Bev Hlavka

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

House Keeping Hotel

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the hotel’s room service, house keeping, hotel restaurants. and services. About the Seminar. The Puget Sound condominium market came into its own ... - Halaman sejenis

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Operation, Food & Beverage, Valeting, House-Keeping, Hotel Marketing,. Chain of Hotels. 8.11 GLOSSARY. American Plan:. The guest pays for bed and board, ... - Halaman sejenis

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Room Rate Hotel

by Arda Dinata

Room rate system pay
Room rate hotel:

Yaitu hotel yang menganut sistem di mana harga kamar termasuk tiga kali makan [room rate include 3 time meals], yaitu: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Yaitu hotel yang menganut sistem di mana harga kamar termasuk makan dua kali atau room rate include 2 time meals, yaitu breakfast and lunch or breakfast and dinner.

Yaitu hotel yang menganut sistem di mana harga kamar termasuk makan pagi atau room rate breakfast [Continental breakfast]

Yaitu dengan sistem sewa kamar yang sudah termasuk makan pagi ala AMERIKA [American Breakfast]

Yaitu hotel yang menganut sistem di mana harga kamar tidak termasuk makan [Room rate only]

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Top Kitchen Gadgets to Make Cooking Easier

by Articles Manager

Kitchen gadgets increasingly play a significant role in the preparation of a meal, especially after a hard days work. With today’s advancing technology, more and more kitchen gadgets are being introduced to the market so we have decided to put together a list of our favorites. No doubt there will be serious disagreement to which maybe the most useful and we know we will have missed many off the list.

GARLIC PRESS/GARLIC MACHINES Garlic Machines: Garlic adds real flavor to a meal and is constantly used in a whole variety of dishes. However, it is fiddly so anything to help peel, crush and slice is undoubtedly a bonus. You avoid the messy task of peeling and chopping the garlic but get the desired result, with garlic ready to be added to the ingredients. Key products are the Garlic press and we especially like the Chef’n Garlic Machine Garlic Crusher.

FOOD THERMOMETERS: Being struck down by food poisoning is one of the worst things that can happen to you and this is where food thermometers come into their own. They measure the inner temperature of the cooked food; mainly meat, telling you whether the dish is ready to serve or requires more cooking. We particularly like the Bengt Ek range of food thermometers for their stylish looks

MANDOLINE: When there are so many vegetables and fruits to cut and slice, why not get a machine to do so it not only saves you time but also makes you look like a professional.

Mandolins will enable you to slice and cut vegetables This kitchen tool helps in cutting the thin slices of fruits and vegetables. This kitchen tool enables the user to prepare a beautiful salad and additions to sandwiches. The Zyliss Mandolin is world renowned

ALLIGATOR CHOPPER: Whilst not as flexible as a Mandolin, the Alligator chopper is such a simple way to chop onions, vegetables or fruit without having any dangers of cutting your fingers. All you have to do is put the fruit or vegetable on the bottom of the chopper and press down â€" perfect every time.

KNIFE SHARPENERS: For those who use knives on a regular basis the most annoying thing is when they start to lose their sharp edge and become blunt. There are a number of sharpening tools out there but we particularly like the Ozitech Sharpening System and the Diamond abrasive knife sharpeners from Chef’s Choice which are easy and safe to use.

SLOTTED SPOON: We are constantly using a whole range of Kitchen Utensils and they are all very useful, especially both the Spatula and Turner. However, it is the Slotted Spoon which is our favorite, as it is so easy to use for taking any ingredient out of a boiling saucepan, especially vegetables and eggs.

SALAD SPINNER: Ever since I was a child I have just loved salad spinners. Such a simple idea and such a great way of getting your salad nice and dry. Viners do a good selection of salad spinners.

These kitchen gadgets are just a few to mention and I’m sure you will have your favorites, especially the more you cook!

Summary: Many types of kitchen gadgets are used today to make the cooking an efficient and less time consuming task. Today’s advancing technology is moving forward to provide highly developed features in the equipments of daily use. This has made the task of cooking even more pleasurable.

About the Author
There are many kinds of Kitchen Gadgets in the market which make the cooking an efficient and less time consuming task. Cutlery Articles can make a significant difference to the enjoyment of a meal.

Home & Painting Restoration

by Matt Jaworski

Historic Home Improvement Guides: Home Renovations & Home enhancement are not simply
enjoyable & self rewarding actions, they furthermore increase the worth of your historic home. The sense of happiness after finishing your home renewal is very exhilarating. Follow Home Improvement Guides as it is an immense educational store for learning how you can be able to renovate & improve your historic house.

Let’s start with fixing those small dings from gate handles, furniture moves & nails are fairly simple & requires very small time. First choose yourself up a number of spackle or wallboard complexes for the neighboring hardware store. Next, scrape around the indoor edge of the crack to get rid of any drywall flecks then clean the region with a damp fabric to take away any dust. Now fill up the gap with your patching fabric & let it position for a few minutes. Once the region is dried out you can rub down the area & renovate it.

But over the ancient times since last few decades, color even dazzling color â€" has leisurely been making an emergence in colonial period re-establishment. And correctly so our national forefathers & foremothers would be gratify to observe us lastly getting it correct. When they were latest, many colonial homes were much more colorful places than most people ever suspected. Paint at “Mount Vernon”: Historians who work on the re-establishment of “George Washington” house discovered that far as of reflecting a style toward cowed white-washes & bland accents, the inside walls were decorated in rich robin egg blue, bright green, deep crimson & intense azure. In his own 1770 restoration & redecoration, Washington had the East parlor repainted in Prussian blue, with evenly theatrical blue upholstery additional to the fittings. Jefferson & others:

“Washington” was not only in his use of vivid colors in 17th century U.S. From multicolored

French wallpaper, to the yellow & green dome area, color was a division of “Thomas Jefferson” famous house

as well. When it was too expensive to paint complete walls, wood work, doors & trim would be vibrantly colored. One

area in a 1779 farmhouse in pastoral “Pennsylvania” revealed bright turquoise color implanted into the inventive

woodwork, ironically covered under layers of hushed gold’s, creams & whites from consecutive “restorations.”

Another room in the similar home showed vivid emerald olive paint as the unique shade one time later colors

had been uncovered. Evidently the owners of this historic home used multicolored wood work as a less costly

alternative to covering the ramparts with pigments, but the result would have been approximately as vivid.

About the Author
Matt Jaworski owner of Jaworski Coatings and throughout northeast Ohio.

Make Your Roof Safe by Metal Roofing

by Articles Manager

Purchasing your own home is not an easy task. You need big amount to invest as it is to be known the most important investment. After purchasing your own home, you need proper maintenance and protection. Roofing is also a part of maintenance. Your roof should not only be constructed beautifully but it also should be strong. In the past metal roofs were not considered to be traditional roofing. However they are gaining in popularity because of their features.

Therefore, it is right option because it is known strong and safe compared to ordinary roofing. If you are confident enough and know how to install it, then get ready because it is the most exciting part of the construction. This is made from a variety of materials including steel, aluminium, and copper. All have their pros and cons from durability to looks.

Shingles are tremendously common materials. Shingles are flexible, holding up in heat, rain and cold. They are also easy to install and cheap to replace. However the installation time is long as each piece must be placed in position and nailed independently. Metal roofing is durable, attractive, energy efficient, and will most likely never have to be replaced over the course of your home’s life. It isn’t what it used to be. There are few advantages of Metal roofs.

They are: • Seal out water • Strong against wind • Easy to clear snow off • Totally resistant to fire, mushroom and rot

Metal roofing is not only light weighting while install but also does the fact that these shingles come in sheets or sections. Some of the most popular systems being used today include guard, decrabond system, met-tile, prestige, and zap pone. Painted aluminum and steel are currently the two most popular choices for this. Both metals offer the benefits of durability coupled with a light weight. Both have been formed to have the appearance of tile or slate without the requirement to add support to the roof rafters in order to install the actual tile or slate, while copper and stainless steel provide very rich appearance. Moreover, they are expensive compared to aluminum and steel.

This material is generally formed into multi-shingles and sheets. It makes the installation very efficient and result in a generally lower cost per square. Speed of installation is also advantage in the fact. It means that your home is now left defenseless for comprehensive periods of time, decrease the possible harm caused by rain. Basically the vast majority of metal roofing sold in sheet form.

About the Author
Roof 101 provides Metal Roofing products which are light weighted, fire resistant materials. Roofs Inspection is the perimeter of the building looking for further evidence of roof leaks or damage.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

House Keeping News

Floor Section/ Room Section, Houseman Section/ Public Area Section, Linnen Section, Loundry Section, Sanitary, Hotel, House Keeping, Etc.